Nasi Lemak, a dish familiarly called in Malaysia which means “coconut milk rice” – it is an essential, traditional Malay dish. The secret of Nasi Lemak lies right in the preparation of rice: White rice soaked in coconut milk, then cooked together with pandan leaves for a rich coconut milk and pandan aroma. This classic dish must also include cucumber slices, boiled eggs, chili paste (sambal cili) and meat of your choice – chicken, fish, mutton, beef or seafood.

Established since 1977, Madam Kwan’s is a restaurant specializing in Malaysian cuisines that brings to the light the most authentic Malaysian taste. There are many takes on this dish, but Madam Kwan’s assembly has received the Malaysian Tourism Board’s recommendation, making it a must-try. That rich aroma oozing from the rice, paired with that spicy chicken curry, is pure perfection. 

Today, Madam Kwan is already 80 years old and has accumulated many decades of culinary experience. Despite her age and having her son take over the business operations, she takes pride in periodically checking in and making sure that food and service are of top-notch quality. If you are planning to do some shopping at Pavilion Shopping Mall, you must give Madam Kwan’s Nasi Lemak a go.

揶漿飯,馬來文成為 “Nasi Lemak”,是馬來料理不可或缺之一。揶漿飯的特點就在於飯,白米浸泡在揶漿裡,再放入斑蘭葉一起並煮成熟飯。白米飯裡帶有揶香和斑蘭葉的味道。一碟經典的揶漿飯一定會配搭黃瓜片,全熟蛋,參巴辣椒醬 (Sambal Cili),和肉類(雞肉,魚肉,羊肉,牛肉或海鮮)。

Madam Kwan’s 是一家馬來西亞料理餐廳,從1977年就開始營業至如今,菜單裡的料理都是馬來西亞最原始的味道。當中Madam Kwan’s 的揶漿飯成獲馬來西亞旅遊局推薦為馬來西亞最好吃的揶漿飯。揶漿飯配搭香噴噴的咖喱雞,香濃的咖喱汁和揶香味的白飯非常絕配。

已經80歲的Madam Kwan擁有多年的烹飪經驗,如今生意已繼承給她的兒子,但是她還是堅持常到廚房和店舖監督以確保食物和服務的品質。如果你來到Pavilion逛街,不妨到這裡試一試馬來西亞最好吃的揶漿飯。

Madam Kwan’s , Pavilion Shopping Mall

📍 1.16.00, Pavilion Shopping Centre, 168, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 50300 Kuala Lumpur

✆ +603-2143 2296⏰10am – 10pm
