Banana Leaf Rice is a traditional Indian cuisine. The beauty of the dish lies at the foundation where a banana leaf replaces the usual serving plate, of which the rice and sides will be served on. The locals will dig into the cuisine with their bare hands, taking in a handful of rice in one mouthful, then another mouthful of sides. In a traditional Indian wedding banquet, the host will prepare a banana leaf rice feast for the guests.

Nagasari Curry House is open all day long! No matter the weather, you will get your craving satisfied. The traditional Indian banana leaf rice consists of rice, three side dishes, a “popadam” cracker, then top it all off with a generous pour of rich curry gravy. On top of this combination, you can also order additional protein, such as fried chicken, mutton or seafood.

There is also “ritual” to eating banana leaf rice. After finishing your meal, if you fold your banana leaf rice inwards and towards you, it means that you are grateful for the food and that you have enjoyed the meal. If you fold it outwards, it means that you are not too happy with the meal!



Nagasari CurryHouse是不打烊的香蕉葉飯專賣店,無論什麼時候去都能把肚子餵飽飽。傳統印度香蕉葉飯都會有白飯,3種配菜,香脆印度脆餅,再淋上你喜歡的咖喱醬汁。此外,你還可以另點一份肉,例如:烤雞肉,羊肉,或海鮮。


Nagasari Curry House

📍 Jalan Nagasari, 50200 Kuala Lumpur

✆ +603-2141 6257 ⏰ Open 24 Hours | 24小時營業
